Mother/Son Minute to Win It Challenge!!
2017 Mother/Son Games
Keep it Up: Keep your head up, eyes open, and a steady stream of air coming through you and your partner’s mouth as you attempt to keep two feathers airborne for a full minute!
Sticky Marbles: Partners will have to roll 5 marbles down the end of the table where there will be double sided tape. All 5 marbles must stick to tape before the 1 minute timer is up!
Stick to the Landing: Each partner will need to flip a half filled water bottle in air having it land on the bottom before your 1 minute is up!
Bottoms up: Choose one partner to wear a yoyo around their waste. With your partner’s help, try to knock down 3 aluminum cans that are pyramid stacked on top of a stool by swinging your hips only. You must knock cans over before your 1 minute is up!
Speed Eraser: Teams must bounce 3 pencils on the eraser side, landing into 3 different cups. Teams may continue trying until your 1 minute is up!
Baby Blocking: Choose 1 partner to place a plate on top of their head while the other player stacks 3 blocks on top of each other on the plate. You must hold that position for 5 seconds. You will have 60 seconds to try!
Tie Breaker Challenge!!!!!!
K-1- Vertical Golf Balls: Stacking 3 golf balls vertically in 1 minute or less!
2-3- Whippersnapper: Choose a partner to use a towel fixed to the floor to launch 2 ping pong balls into a laundry basket 8 feet away. You must complete in 60 seconds or less.
4-5- Iron Board Man: In this challenge, two contestants from the same team have to work together and guide a marble down a metal ironing board. The legs of this ironing board are extended and the balls have to be dropped into the three middle holes.