Welcome to our Fall Festival Page!
This year our Fall Festival will be held on Saturday November 4, 2017. From 10am-3pm.

Vendor Fair Application form:
Banner Application Form:
The Mount Juliet Elementary Fall Festival is a unique event that is attended by 1000+ families and friends.
One of the highlights of this event is the Vendor Fair. This is a great marketing opportunity to reach a large market of local customers during Fall Festival. We host up to 110 vendors in our school halls. This is a great chance for you to display your products or services in a concentrated market of potential new customers. You get to meet each of the visitors and sell, sample or advertise your wares. The best part is that in addition to creating a potential flow of new business for your company you also get to help the MJE PTO provide additional learning tools for the youth of our community. We have booths available at $45 and $35 depending on location in the building. More expensive booths are in the heavier traffic areas. These spaces go fast and are on a first come, first serve basis.
This year we will again also offer the Banner Fair. This provides businesses who may not need booth space to be able to still advertise their business. We will line the fencing around the school with your vinyl banner for 2 weeks at the low cost of only $25! Please help our PTO raise money to improve the educational experiences of our children while advertising your business!
If you are interested in either of these wonderful marketing opportunities please see the attached Vendor Fair Application and Banner Fair Application for additional information. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions and to reserve your space!
Nicole Druen & Stephanie Vaughn
Vendor Fair/Banner Sales Coordinators
Vendor Fair and Banner sales Information:
Fall Festival
We are looking forward to another great MJE Fall Festival on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 10 AM - 3 PM. We will be having our Silent and Live Auctions again, yummy food from Houston's Market, and fun and games inside and outside the school! We can't wait to see you there!
Bring your friends and get a fun picture made together at the photo booth at Fall Festival 2017!

It's back!!! Everyone's favorite Fall Festival game...The Hamster Track!!!
Get into the giant ball and run the track...see if you can make it all the way to the end.